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1、You make me want to be a better man.你让我想成为更好的人。——《尽善尽美》

2、I like you very much. Just as you are.我很喜欢你,就是现在的你。——《BJ 单身日记》

3、I love you very much, probably more than anybody could love another person.


4、You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.你在我心中永不衰老,永不凋谢,永不消逝。——《莎翁情史》

5、Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's.要是没有你,今天的心情将会像昨日的头皮屑一样琐碎。——《天使爱美丽》

6、I came here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is and always will be yours.我来这里并没有抱任何期望,只是为了表明我的心意。现在我有完全的自由来告诉你,我的心已经并将永远属于你。——《理智与情感》

7、I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.我宁愿和你共度一生,也不愿意面对永生不死的孤寂。——《指环王1: 魔戒再现》

8、I love you,more than anything.我爱你,胜过一切。——《时间旅行者的妻子》

9、Loving you is worth everything to me.对我来说,爱你一切都值得。——《本杰明·巴顿奇事》

10、I've known that I like you for a while,but just now I decided that I love you.我喜欢你有一阵子了,但刚刚决定爱你。——《好好先生》

11、Whatever comes, I’ll love you,just as I do now, until I die.无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远。——《乱世佳人》

12、What value will there be in life if we are not together?如果我们不能在一起,生活还有什么意义?——《成为简·奥斯汀》

13、I am madly deeply truly passionately in love with you.我疯狂地深深地、真诚地、热烈地、爱着你。——《给朱丽叶的信》

14、My wasted heart will love you.我荒废的心会一直爱你。——《真爱至上》

15、No one will ever love you as much as I do.没人会像我一样爱你。——《偷心》

